Add the ‘A’ For Access
1IN4 is an intersectional coalition of disabled creatives currently working in Hollywood focused on long-term institutional shifts to increase employment and authentic representation of disabled people.
One of 1IN4’s calls to action is to ‘Add the A’ – to insure that Accessibility is a part of all Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts.

1IN4 Coalition urges Hollywood to ‘Add Disability – visible and invisible – to your company’s definition of Diversity and DEIA requirements.’
While progress has been made as a result of inclusion efforts in the screen industries, people with disabilities remain extremely underrepresented in all roles in the screen industry, both in front of and behind the camera.
Visit 1IN4
A key production recommendation from 1IN4 is to require an Accessibility Coordinator for every production. Below, watch 1IN4 co-founder and Access Coordinator Elaine Hall give an overview of the role of an Access Coordinator and why it should be mandatory for film and television production.
The 1IN4 Coalition has devised ’10 ways to start’ to build a more accessible industry, by starting to shift your behavior today. Read more at 1IN4’s website and contact the coalition to explore how you can Add the ‘A’ into your initiatives.
Learn More
More resources for Production
RespectAbility’s Hollywood Disability Inclusion Toolkit

Accessibility in Production
Accessibility in Production
Creating Gender Inclusive Sets

Universal Design Toolkit
Accessibility in Production