Budgeting for Accessibility
To ensure your production is an accessible workplace for people with disabilities, your budgeting process should consider funding disability-related accommodations that remove environmental and social barriers to access.

The term “accommodation” designates the various kinds of modifications that may need to be made so that people with disabilities have the same opportunities as people without disabilities to live full lives in their communities.

In 2022, Inevitable Foundation released The “Cost” of Accommodations Report. The Report examines the real consequences for disabled talent when their accommodation needs go unmet and demystifies the true financial cost of accommodations by creating the first set of budget templates and accommodation benchmarks for the industry.
Read the ReportThe report — including the calls to action — encourages people to listen to disabled people. They will tell you what they need. They’re not trying to spend a bunch of money, either. They just want to be able to do their job and be successful.
Resources For Producers, Creative Executives and Showrunners
With the launch of their report, The Inevitable Foundation also released a series of unique resources intended to support creative decision-makers in budgeting and planning for accessibility related accommodations. These include:
Budget Templates and Calculators
Excel budget templates and calculators help producers, creative executives and accountants budget for and deliver accommodations.
Company Briefings
Inevitable Foundation is happy to brief your company on the findings and recommendations in The Cost of Accommodations Report.
View Resources

Accommodations Database
A collaborative database that is an evolving record of the various accommodations disabled talent need to thrive in the film and television industry along with their estimated cost. Producers, creative executives and showrunners can use this database to search for potential accommodations for disabled talent in order to more effectively budget for and deliver accommodations.
The Database