Provided by The Hollywood Commission, this sample policy will assist U.S.-based entertainment industry employers and unions, including film and television, commercials, live theater and music, in protecting thousands of workers from discrimination, harassment and bullying – particularly those entities who don’t have a policy, are seeking to fortify their policy, or are revising policy.
Resource Partner:
This sample will help companies go beyond the legal requirements and create policies and procedures to:
Strengthen established internal policies
Educate and empower all persons involved in a project
Create workplaces free of all harassment, discrimination, and bullying
Identify and promptly and effectively address harassment, discrimination, and bullying if it occurs – no matter the employment status or seniority of the person(s) involved
Stop retaliation against anyone who raises an issue or who participates in an investigation in good faith.
We’ve developed this sample policy to promote safe, equitable, and harassment-free workplaces. It affirms the entertainment industry’s commitment to providing respectful and inclusive workplaces. Changing the culture isn’t just about what employers can do. It’s also about workers having a shared expectation of what structures should be and are in place to prevent discrimination, harassment, and other inappropriate conduct.
Before implementing or using this policy, employers should review the accompanying Field Manual and consult with counsel.