Sections Production

Bystander Intervention Training

Too many members of the entertainment industry experience harassment, which impacts well-being, safety, production, and costs. As part of its ongoing effort to lead the entertainment industry toward a more just and equitable future, the Hollywood Commission is offering bystander intervention training created for the entertainment industry. The training was developed by the Hollywood Commission in partnership with Alteristic, a recognized expert in the field of prevention.

5 people participating in a training activity
Tina Mabry and cast on the set of Queen of the South

Why Bystander Intervention?

There are more people willing to help than those causing harm. By motivating and providing realistic options to intervene, bystander intervention training has a strong track record of increasing the frequency individuals intervene when they see harassing behaviors.

Not your typical training experience. Workshops are positive, highly interactive, and designed disarm and engage even the most skeptical participants.

Survey respondents reported that 69% of the time unwanted behaviors occurred one or more bystanders were present.

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In this dynamic, 90-minute training (virtual or in-person) facilitated by The Hollywood Commission, participants will learn to:

Recognize a range of harassing behaviors based on race, sex, power, and other organizational dynamics.

Identify realistic ways they can intervene despite barriers such as uncertainty, fear of retaliation, or pressure to remain silent.

Identify small daily actions they can take within their daily routines to contribute to a safer, more equitable workplace.

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Virtual training course being taught at the Hollywood Commissioner

The Hollywood Commission offers Bystander intervention for the following groups:

  • Cast/Crew
  • Writers and Showrunners
  • Directors (Film or TV)
  • Producers (Film or TV)
  • Production Companies
  • Corporations/Office Teams

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