In IMDb's Top 100 films of 2021, only 4 films were directed by women of color.
93% of writers said their most recent writers room had no Disabled or Deaf writers, 79.6% had no lower-level writers age 50+, and 25.3% had no LGBTQIA+ writers.
Only 4.76% of studio executives said that their workplace is representative of the US population in terms of gender and racial diversity.
More than 60% of animation and art school students are women, and yet only 20% of the creative jobs in animation are held by women.
Latinx creatives, who make up 18.7% of the population, “remain extremely underrepresented."
In a study of 200 top films, 185 films did not include any Muslim girls or women who spoke one or more words on screen.
A Daily Practice
Pay Equity
The Gender Funding Gap